Saturday, August 14, 2010

Think she could Pass for a lab?

Well I'm going to try and get her an ILP with the AKC. She has pretty much all the features of a lab and looks just like one minus her curled tail and the fact that she is slightly smaller then a purebred lab. But all I need to do is send in the pictures along with my application and let them decided if she labby enough to be a lab. However I might not be able to do it anytime soon most likely not until next year due to multiple reasons. Anyway so last night I just took some shots of her. They aren't really "good" quality and kinda dark, but I tried. Tomorrow I might try to get some good shots of her outside

Front View

Side View

The outtakes



I'm also going to see If I can get a good shot of her with her tail slightly curled

Friday, August 13, 2010

Update on Abby's Trick Training

Ok so as of two days ago Abby learned twist(spin left) which is her cue to spin in the opposite direction of her spin(spin right). We are also working on a few other tricks/commands specifically "fetch my slippers" and "get the purse".

Right now I'm working on getting her to bring the item to me by use of marking the behavior with the clicker. She's doing pretty well, but it might be another few days or so before she's got it down pat. So far she's got the idea that when I say "slipper" or "purse" she has to run to the item and pick it up. I'm slowly getting her to bring it back to me, but as of now she's doing fairly well with it.

And just cuz here's an old pic that I found and scanned of her from back when we first adopted her from the shelter(5 years ago)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A new food!

So I finally switched Abby to Wellness Core and she loves it. Now she actually cleans her bowl (shocker). I'm extremely happy with this food and recommend it to anyone searching for a good quality grainless dog food. So far I've seen a tremendous change with Abby's coat quality and I'm lovin it!

I'll add some pics later of her enjoying her new food

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hiking with Abby

well not exactly, but hey we still walked through the creek and made a little trek through the woods while my youngest sister learned to ride her bike at this one park. It was to hot for poor Bo to come along so he stayed home with my dad while me, abby, my mom and, sisters went out.

In the water

In the woods

We worked a bit on some sit and down stays, but she broke the majority of them because of the fact that the rest of my family was on the other side of the park and she hates being separated from every body. We also worked on a few retrieves, but she wasn't to interested in chasing bumpers today she was more interested on finding the rest of my family *sigh*

sit/stay on the bridge

And again

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Abby Masters two more tricks

My little girlie learns so fast. Today she learned crawl and “bang”. She’s pretty much got crawl down, but bang could use some work. We also learned Drop where she just automatically drops to the ground instead of starting off in a sit position then going into a down. I just love how this dog is so eager to learn though I'm pretty sure it has more to do with her "prize" for every time she does a command right.

So that just leaves us with working on the following
- Back Up
- Weave through legs
- Wave
- Say your Prayers
- Get your Leash
- Put away toys

I took another video (yeah I’m obsessed with my camera XP) we’re on a roll that’s what 4 tricks in less then a weeks time woohoo…

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Abby Learns Spin

She's got it. Took about a day or two and she's got it down pat. It's pretty entertaining watching her spin. Sadly I lost the clicker in the process. Have no clue what I did with it yesterday. Anyway I did take a video tonight

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Summer Training

Well since it's summer I will be mainly working on Abby and teaching her some new tricks. So below I have a list of tricks we will be working on and I'll update as things progress

- Spin
- Play Dead
- Back Up
- Weave through legs
- Crawl
- Wave
- Say your Prayers
- Get your Leash
- Put away toys

more to come

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Playing with Greta

Hey all it's been quite a while since I last updated. Well I've been watching a friends boxer and yesterday took Abby with me so they could play. At firt she was a little butthead, but eventually settled down and played for a bit. Greta has so much energy and Abby didn't really appreciate being boxed, but she did fairly well.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Went to the Lake!

Well last saturday me and my dad finally got out to the park with Abby. Bo and the rest of my family stayed home because they were way to lazy to come and have some family fun. This park is an awesome one. It is located through the woods right behind the soccer field which is owned by the club whom I used to play for, but no longer do. Unlike the other lake we usually go to.

At this one she gets to run off leash! We ended up not going on any of the trails but instead stayed down by the water and let my water loving lab mix swim like crazy.

Abby had a great Time chasing the ducks and retrieving sticks. She listened well to commands and came when we called her off the ducks. She went out dozens of times retrieving sticks and making us throw them for hours. She even listened well when the fishermen came. Of course she went to investigate, but after calling her off she went straight back to swimming like a maniac.

At one point she started off after the ducks and she was an inch away from one and we were calling and calling her, but apparently the opportunity was to good to be true so she ignored us. She swam a little more than half way out until the duck took off flying and of course then she had to turn around and make her way back to us panting like crazy, but she quite enjoyed herself.


My name is Anna and my dogs name is Abby. Abby is a lab mix whom me and my family adopted from the shelter when she was 5 months old. I had been begging for a dog all my life and once we finally moved my parents gave in and let me adopt this wonderful girl. I have had her nearly 5 years now as I adopted her back in 2005 when I was 10 I believe.

Abby was my first ever dog and taught me a lot about dog ownership. But now she is no longer the only dog in the house hold. About two years ago we searched for a breeder and that's how we found Bo. Bo is our now 2 year old fawn boxer boy.They are both lovely dogs and wonderful family members.

Anyway back to Abby. For a few years now I have been wanting to get into agility, but as most trials didn't allow for mixed breeds I just practiced for fun in the backyard. But now thanks to the Canine Partners Program I am working with her to eventually compete. Along with Agility we will be trying Rally-Obedience, and possibly Obedience.