Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Went to the Lake!

Well last saturday me and my dad finally got out to the park with Abby. Bo and the rest of my family stayed home because they were way to lazy to come and have some family fun. This park is an awesome one. It is located through the woods right behind the soccer field which is owned by the club whom I used to play for, but no longer do. Unlike the other lake we usually go to.

At this one she gets to run off leash! We ended up not going on any of the trails but instead stayed down by the water and let my water loving lab mix swim like crazy.

Abby had a great Time chasing the ducks and retrieving sticks. She listened well to commands and came when we called her off the ducks. She went out dozens of times retrieving sticks and making us throw them for hours. She even listened well when the fishermen came. Of course she went to investigate, but after calling her off she went straight back to swimming like a maniac.

At one point she started off after the ducks and she was an inch away from one and we were calling and calling her, but apparently the opportunity was to good to be true so she ignored us. She swam a little more than half way out until the duck took off flying and of course then she had to turn around and make her way back to us panting like crazy, but she quite enjoyed herself.


My name is Anna and my dogs name is Abby. Abby is a lab mix whom me and my family adopted from the shelter when she was 5 months old. I had been begging for a dog all my life and once we finally moved my parents gave in and let me adopt this wonderful girl. I have had her nearly 5 years now as I adopted her back in 2005 when I was 10 I believe.

Abby was my first ever dog and taught me a lot about dog ownership. But now she is no longer the only dog in the house hold. About two years ago we searched for a breeder and that's how we found Bo. Bo is our now 2 year old fawn boxer boy.They are both lovely dogs and wonderful family members.

Anyway back to Abby. For a few years now I have been wanting to get into agility, but as most trials didn't allow for mixed breeds I just practiced for fun in the backyard. But now thanks to the Canine Partners Program I am working with her to eventually compete. Along with Agility we will be trying Rally-Obedience, and possibly Obedience.